Eating also has a significant impact on the effectiveness of yoga practice, so eating and drinking during Yoga is often a great distraction for yoga practitioners. To be sure of the benefits of yoga, you need to pay attention to the principles of yoga as follows.

The principle of eating when practicing yoga

- Only eat when hungry

Eat slowly and chew food carefully. Rest after every meal, avoid snacks between meals.

It is advisable to eat fresh food because fresh food still retains many vitamins and minerals intact, while processing and cooking are very easy to destroy. Eat white foods such as milk, bananas, cucumbers, white radish ... in the morning, because this time, food promotes optimum energy without excessing energy in the body as it is eaten. night.

The principle of eating when practicing yoga

Eat fresh food

- Only eat when calm and relax to help digestion well.

- Take meals far enough apart. Do not eat full. Eat only half the stomach, and let a quarter of the stomach contain water and a quarter of the stomach contains gas and air, which will eat well. If necessary, you can eat many meals. Do not eat too late at night, before going to sleep.

- Drink a lot of water. Should drink fresh water or tea. It is a good idea to drink more lemonade (cool boiled water, squeeze fresh lemon juice with some salt (do not mix with sugar).

- The best yoga practitioners should adopt a vegetarian diet. If not vegetarian try to reduce meat, fish and eggs. Yogurt, yogurt, cheese, vegetables, roots, fresh fruits and nuts, sesame, peanuts (banana, cucumber, yogurt only eat in the morning and lunch, absolutely not eat in the evening). For those who are skinny, weak or do heavy work, they should add a vegetarian menu of non-slaughtered animal foods such as fresh milk, butter ...

The principle of eating when practicing yoga

Eat a vegetarian diet

Use pure vegetable oils such as coconut oil and olive oil for cooking. Do not use high sugar, fatty foods. Eat whole grains and unrefined foods.

The principle of eating when practicing yoga

Use olive oil for processing

- Do not eat onions, garlic, white rice, mushrooms, noodles, and stale foods. Do not drink alcohol, beer, and tea. No smoking, no tobacco.

- After Yoga, take 10 to 15 minutes to eat liquid food, after 30 minutes to eat solid food


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